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Project 2
Feedback & Evaluation
Impact Coach will be publishing articles relating to how coaching and coaching principles can be leveraged for increased motivation, sustained development, success in business and greater significance. Feel free to interact here and leave a comment about how coaching has been of benefit (or not) to yourself, or your organization.

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One of the greatest benefits of coaching is that it gets us to reflect on and critically evaluate our current realities, be it our work performance, entrepreneurial projects, or our personal growth.
Questions like, "What would you do differently if you could do this again?", or "What progress can we celebrate here?", or "What do you still need to work on?" help gets the coachee (the person who is receiving coaching), to think outside the box of past and current limitations.
It is good practice to get feedback from your team and employees from time to time. The reality is that if we want feedback we will have to ask for it. Another principle managers and directors need to acknowledge is that unless we establish healthy processes for getting feedback it will generally be unhealthy. It often happens that senior leaders and teams develop blind spots, and coaching brings reality back into focus. Read more>>>


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Leaders need to learn the skill and art of communication. All effective communication starts with the ability to really listen to people, and to "hear" them.
For the following examples of such questions to help us "hear" people I am indebted to Tony Stoltzfus (Tony is a coach trainer and writer of coaching materials of note.)
For feedback on meetings you may ask the following:

  1. "On a scale of one to ten, how helpful was this discussion for you? What would have made it even better?

  2. In sorting out agendas and true priorities when dealing with people, task teams, and projects you may ask the following direct questions:"Are we working on what's most important to you?"

  3. In doing reality checks with those we meet and collaborate with we may give them the opportunity to be really honest with us and ask a question like:"What's the emotional state when you leave our sessions and meetings? Are you energised, overwhelmed, hopeful, discouraged, or what?"

Off course in being this honest with ourselves and others there needs to be a healthy culture of honour and respect. I remember being very impressed when reading the following statement from Dan Sullivan (Dan Sullivan is the original business coach in America) that goes like this, "Unless we really first get really honest with ourselves about the situation at hand there will be no progress". This is quite striking coming from a person of his stature. Read more>>>

Project 4
Effective Feedback
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